
Friday, October 1, 2010

Blog Spotlight: My Everything Corner

Have you ever heard the expression “Keep it simple, Stupid.”? The phrase might be cheeky, but I think that keeping it simple is the key to writing a blog about a variety of topics. It’s not always easy finding readers who want to commit to your blog, so if you’re offering a combo platter of topics, bite-sized posts keep them coming back for more.

This is a metaphor that really describes my favorite blog of the month. My Everything Corner covers a variety of topics like gardening, cake decorating, scrap booking, jewelry design and running an Etsy store. It’s a great mom blog, with lots of examples of fun activities for school aged kids.

My Everything Corner Blog

With all of these different themes, you’d think it would be hard to keep up, but the author, Andrea of Blue Jeans Jewelry, keeps things simple. Each post is a little morsel of warm thoughts and good ideas. Reading My Everything Corner feels a lot like getting a postcard from your favorite pen pal.

With a crisp, clean layout, My Everything Corner doesn’t feel like a shopping mall, but more like the foyer of a spa. You’re just listening to quiet music and drinking cucumber water, and catching up on some light reading. Sounds like a great way to spend the day!

My Everything Corner Blog

Some other great blogs to check out:

Designs by Dawn Marie
Little Bear's Mom
Haute Ice Beadworks

What's your favorite blog? Share a link in the comments!

Copyright 2010 Inspirational Beading


  1. Thanks for the links, I will check them out.

  2. Wow, Thanks alot Mortira...Those compliments really have made my day...Thank-you so much!

  3. Thanks for the links, Mortira. Going to check them out. One of my fave blogs has got to be
    She is pretty funny & you gotta love her bead porn.

  4. What a great choice! I love to read "My Everything Corner" too!

  5. Mortira, I like your blog as well and frequently pop over to see what's going on in your corner of the net. Thanks for the mention. I am off to check out "My Everything Corner." -Marsha

  6. Thanks for coming by to check out my favorite bloggers! There are some pretty wonderful people sharing their know-how and experiences with us.
