
Friday, January 27, 2012

Inspired Beader: Elizaveta Yankelovich

Let's Make Out at the Movies Statement Necklace by Elizaveta Yankelovich

No introduction could possibly prepare you for the fabulously wild designs of Elizaveta Yankelovich. Her unique statement jewelry combines eye catching elements and abundance with a wide variety of found objects and unusual materials. Each design is a work of art, and a story, all wrapped into one piece of amazing jewelry.

Inspirational Beading: How did you first get into jewelry design?

Elizaveta: I've always loved fashion, I've always loved making things with my hands... For 6 years I immersed myself into wardrobe styling, for fashion creatives, independent magazines, websites, and commercials ...while doing that I realized I craved doing things in an original, resourceful and shocking make-your-jaw-drop kind of way.... I started creating props, clothing and looks that were just meant for the camera not for every-day functionality...that brought me to the necklaces... I realized that there was really no limits.... other than weight perhaps... that anything can look shockingly gorgeous and provoke different feelings from the wearer of the piece and the people that see them wearing it.

Princess Love Warrior Statement Necklace by Elizaveta Yankelovich

When I started selling my work on Etsy in 2006 I honestly didn't expect to sell any of my elaborate grander pieces... so to get the ball rolling I made little quirky pieces... but I quickly came to the conclusion that those pieces didn't excite me ... even if yes they were more mainstream and sold faster... they really didn't do anything for me...So I decided to stay true to myself and not worry about sales and focus on the process that I love of making necklaces that make me smile and jump up and down swearing it's my best one to date .... which happens after almost every piece.

Inspirational Beading: What’s the most unusual or unexpected material you’ve ever used?

Elizaveta: A lot of the materials I use are unusual and unexpected. One of my favorite activities is to go to thrift shops and garage sales to discover and unearth forgotten items.... Like I mentioned above there are no limits or boundaries... anything that calls to me ... like a doll with eyes that open and shut... or a mini tea set, or a bunny sculpture or a sail boat.

I also use things that were a part of my past ... like cassette tapes, 12" records or My Little Ponies, and bubble gum... I also love finding bulk items like 3 bags of amazing scrunchies... or 5 bags of hair rollers or a box of paint chips... I really can't get enough. I also love to combine odd objects with recycled fabrics, like tearing up bed sheets or t-shirts and dresses and braiding them together...and incorporating beads and gems or old buttons and scrap jewellery parts.

Inspirational Beading: Do you have a favorite kind of bead or jewelry component?

Horses Love Horses Statement Necklace by Elizaveta Yankelovich

Elizaveta: To me it's more about my favorite process.... It's very important to me to work on a different/one of a kind piece each time.

Every single necklace is different. It's part of the magic. No one else will ever have the same one. Right now I have noticed that I am very much obsessed with necklaces that take me a long time to make. Before when I first started I would always work on a piece until I was done.... I wouldn't be happy if it wasn't completed in one session, however long (max two evenings).

But now I revel in the process that takes longer so every few days when I look at a work in progress new ideas come to me.... and seeing the different stages that a piece goes through inspires me to think about other designs and directions they can take. I like this new change. It's definitely slower but my necklaces are more elaborate and feel different.

My favorite processes to date [are] feathering, braiding, tying and hand painting.... for example. This Is What Love Is and the Long Tribal Rain Necklace are the most recent.

Inspirational Beading: Where do you find the most inspiration?

Elizaveta: I find inspiration everywhere.

Clouds Dreaming Impossible Dreams Statement Necklace by Elizaveta Yankelovich

Inspirational Beading: What was the inspiration behind your favorite design?

Elizaveta: Well.... I love Gaudiness in an understated kind of way....
For example with This Is What Love Is .... I was thinking of marriage, traditions, mermaids, nets, love, but to be honest all those thoughts and inspirations almost come as I'm making the piece.... It's almost like the piece is it's own inspiration.... it's hard to describe.

Inspirational Beading: Is there a material or subject that you would love to work with, but haven’t tried yet?

Elizaveta: I want to eventually try working with metals, gold and silver .... One day I want to be able to create large obnoxious and luxurious pieces from scratch too....

Inspirational Beading: Who do you hope to inspire with your work?

Elizaveta: Whoever wants to be inspired.

You can see more one of a kind statement jewelry, art, fashion and more at, or in Elizaveta’s Etsy shop.

Copyright 2012 Inspirational Beading and Elizaveta Yankelovich
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