
Friday, April 13, 2012

Bead Giveaway: Rectangles

This week I have a fantastic collection of rectangular acrylic beads to give away - the colors are so bright and juicy, perfect for spring and summer designs. Most of these pieces were saved and collected not only for their fun shapes, but for their gemstone hues as well.

Acrylic Rectangle Bead Giveaway

My favorites are the chiclets, which I had always hoped to pair up with teal colored cord and pearl knots for a floating necklace. There are also several rectangular tubes in the colors of coral, jade, turquoise, and transparent gray, with a few metallic gold as well. Just for fun, I’ve added some two-hole rectangular sliders and a beautiful acrylic filigree component in jade green.

Vintage Bead Giveaway

How to Enter

For a chance to win all of the beads shown, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post, and answer the following question:

What is your favorite color for spring inspired designs?

If you do not have a Blogger profile with email contact enabled, please make sure to include a contact link or email address, so I can get in touch with you if you win! One lucky reader will be drawn at random on Tuesday, April 17th. This giveaway is open to readers from Canada and the US.

Good luck, and happy beading!

Copyright 2012 Inspirational Beading
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  1. Love these beads! Esp the chicklet beads. My favorite color for Spring designs is orange-red coral.

  2. I have two favorite colors-

    Shades of green, because where I am (near the Wasatch Mountains) everything slowly turns a beautiful green. You can literally watch the green climb the mountains!

    Shades of blue - because my favorite color is blue, and I personally think it goes with any season. And probably because blue is a cool color which is perfect for the coming hot days of Spring/Summer!

  3. Hi,Mortira:-)
    I always take part in Your Beading Give Away with pleasure,so I'm taking part in this one as well.
    Moreover: I always lack those rectangular forms of beads and I can see lots of green ones here,which is my favorite color of Spring designs.That jade and aventurine green is so charming,that I am in the middle of one,special,Spring work with them now.
    Thank YOU for the next emotions:-)Maybe I am a Lucky Winner this time-who knows...
    Warm Greets-Halinka-

  4. I love the pale, buttery yellow of spring!

  5. My favourite colour for this Spring is ice blue. I've really fallen in love with that colour, even though it evokes a feeling of chiliness, I like the lightness of it for Spring.

  6. What a nice giveaway! My favorite color for Spring inspired designs is blue, any blue, from turquoise to periwinkle.
    Marilyn A

  7. Thanks for the chance to win, I am a new follower, and a new beader. :)
    My fave summery color is a nice teal or Auqa, reminds me of the ocean on a beautiful sunny day.
    Melissa D

  8. my favorite spring color to use is green, it makes me feel like spring has really started when everything around me starts turning green and then blooming

  9. Those are luscious. I like the hue of the acrylic beads. Humm...lets see. I am working on a Spring type beaded doll. She is of course different shades of green with fuschia colored sequins to match the phlox rolling down in waves from my flower beds.

  10. Daffodil yellow which is one of the first flowers to bloom signaling spring has finally sprung!

  11. green, and that lovely jade colored focal would be so fun to work with!

  12. Oh my! I have to pick just one color! I have and orange. And these mixed with white!

  13. The chiclets you have chosen are beautiful and because we are still experiencing dreary grey dull weather here in Alta. the lovely bright blue and red really jumped out and spoke to me for their cheerfulness and color.

  14. I love bright color beads!!! my favorite color for this spring is purple.

  15. When I moved to Michigan, what astounded me most about the spring is the violets. The abundance of them, the fact that they just grow WILD in everyone's yards, on roadsides, in pastures... And that they weren't all violet. Purples, whites and yellows abounded at our old house. Now that we've moved we have a patch of fantastic mauve in our front yard, and in our neighborhood there are lovely white violets with delicate purple stripes. They make a lovely spring palette all put together!

  16. My fav is a sky blue. Blues are my favorite and sky blue can be paired with several other colors for spring~ This is a wonderful giveaway! Thank you for offering it!

  17. I think green would have to be my favorite color of spring......I always look forward to the trees budding out and going from bare twigs to lush green

  18. Yellow's, because I love dandilions and daisies....
    ya I love weeds, dandilions are just so amusing to play with when on a hike
    "And what is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not been discovered.”

  19. What fun, lovely beads! My favorite spring colors are green and purple. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. Gorgeous beads! There are a lot of fun possibilities here. My favorite color for spring projects is definitely green.

  21. I'm not sure if my comment registered??? However, Coral and Cream and my favorite Spring colors. I love the rectangle beads!

  22. I tend to like peaches and greens for spring. Would love to win these beads.

  23. Probably pale yellow - something to remind me of spring flowers and the returning sun.

  24. Matt whites, bones and naturals are my favorites; your greens are great too.

  25. Shades of aqua green and yellow !!1

  26. Beautiful beads I like aqua ,soft green and yellow for spring !

  27. Beautiful assortment, mostly they are GREEN, my favorite color.

  28. My favorite color for spring inspired designs is the limy or light greens. They show the newness of the season before they evolve to the darker rich greens of summer. Thanks for the chance to win!

  29. My favorite spring color is purple like the crocus flower. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity!
    arcski at yahoo dot com

  30. I love lavender, pink, pale yellow, and green, the colors of the fragrant hyacinths blooming outside my door.

  31. I love light blue

  32. Hi! Enjoying your blog!
    Thank you for the bead giveaway contest! Love square beads as accents, or as dangles.

    Spring inspiration has to be green!! Of course id throw in lilac, pin, yellow, and blue skies!

  33. My favorite color for spring is all the different shades of green. Spring in Michigan is always an explosion of green which is fun to incorporate into my work.

    My email address is:

  34. Beautiful beads! I love pastel purple for springtime!

  35. My favorite spring colors are pinks with soft greens....the green is like the new shoots and the pinks are the blossoms on our flowering crab tree in our backyard!

  36. My spring colors tend to be the brighter greens and reds. Lovely beads.

  37. I just found your blog and I LOVE it! My favorite spring color is robin's egg blue... it never fails to put a smile on my face!

  38. Pink has been my favorite color this spring. I made a simple bracelet last night with pink beads off all different hues and they went very well together! The giveaway beads are very pretty!

  39. Linda ( 15, 2012 at 8:04 AM

    This is a fun contest! I love spring greens and aqua or turquoise shades, as well. (Actually, I LOVE THEM ALL!)

  40. My favorite color this spring has been pink. I made a simple bracelet last night using all different hues and they worked very well together. The give away beads are very pretty!


  41. Love these. My fave spring colors are definitely greens, though I do love a pretty blue too.

  42. Loving the shades of greens, yellows and reds.....simply beautiful!!!

  43. Spring always brings to mind bright colors .. orange, yellow, pink. I like to mix those with earth tones, though. :)

  44. Beautiful beads, love the color Coral for Spring!

  45. My favorite spring color is peach.

    I hear these beads talking to me...... :>)

  46. I love pale blues, sky blue, ocean blues and greens. Those colors remind me of life and living things, they just make me feel good.

  47. I definately enjoy yellow and pink this time of year! But...I pretty much love to design with any colors!

  48. Yellow and pink are my favorite this time of year! But...I pretty much love to design with any color!

  49. My favorite spring colors are rose pink and lavender.
    eugeniewu at gmail dot com

  50. Beautiful beads for the giveaway. Thanks for hosting it. I like the purple of violets and pansies for spring.


  51. My favorite is lime green. Reminds me of the yellow green leaves.

  52. mother natures fresh green - bursting buds all around!

  53. I like green and yellow for spring as it's like the Daffodils, one of the first spring flowers.

  54. Green!! You can pair it with anything! :)

  55. I am NOT a robot, but I'm loving the transparent grey! Gives me some good ideas.

  56. Thank you for this opportunity, firstly! I am totally obsessed with Pantone's new spring color, Tangerine Tango! I'm visualizing myself (tanned and toned, snicker) sporting a pair of earrings I just made with my new beads!!! :D

  57. Just found this blog. What great timing! This Spring I've been crazy about peachy coral-y colors.

  58. Well, I was going to say green as most people that have looked at their comments agree. So, now I'm going to have to say the color of a Moon stone. It's opalesnce reminds me of the white fluffy clouds that come during the spring time and makes me feel at one with the air above us. The air can bring clouds for shade or rain or even just a nice brezzy day during the spring times.
    Ginger Hamilton

  59. I am a new to the site. I love to do bead work it relaxes me. My spring color is yellow as it brightens any space.
    Elba Glass
