Judy and many other readers suggested freeform peyote stitch as a great way to use up an eclectic selection of beads. I couldn’t agree more! Working freeform can seem intimidating at first, but once you learn to let go, it becomes incredibly liberating and meditative. Plus it’s a great way to use up odds and ends. Although there aren't any specific steps for freeform, there are a lot of resources for anyone wanting to give it a try. I’ve collected a few excellent "tutorials" for freeform peyote projects with lots of valuable tips for beading outside the lines. If you haven’t tried it before (or you’ve tried and lost the knack) first check out some excellent advice from the Bead Mavens: All About Fredform Peyote
Freeform Peyote How-To by Whimbeads.com
Freeform Peyote Feels So Wrong But It’s So Right by Beading Daily
Freeform Peyote Necklace Tutorial and
Freeform Geode Bezel Necklace Tutorial by Beading Arts
and my personal favorite, Starting a Freeform Peyote Bracelet by Baubilicious
Do you like to use freeform peyote? What’s your favorite type of project?
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Oooooo!! I hope that's me!! If it is, thanks so much Mortira!!