If you would like to sponsor Inspirational Beading directly, you can also purchase ad space for your blog or business. These simple button ads appear in the sidebar on every page of Inspirational Beading, placed above the fold for maximum exposure, and are viewed by bead and jewelry enthusiasts from around the world every day!
Advertising FAQ:
How many ads can I purchase?
There are a maximum of six spaces available for advertising. You may purchase more than one space for the same business or ad, if space is available.
What kinds of ads can I use?
Ad button images must be 125x125px in size, in JPEG format. Links must not be shortened, and must not redirect to sites other than what is indicated by the ad image or hover text. Affiliate links and click banks are not permitted. The content of images and sites are approved individually, and should be safe for children or safe for work. Commerce sites and shops should have a detailed Policies or FAQ with information on shipping and returns.
How long do ads run?
Ad space is available in weekly, monthly, or yearly campaigns. You can renew as often as you like. If you do not wish to renew, ads will be removed once their paid time has expired.
How much?
I want to make sure that anyone can afford to have their ads shown here on Inspirational Beading, and I will keep rates as competitive as possible. The current cost per ad space is:
1 week: $5 US
1 month $15 US
1 year $165 US
How do I get started?
The process is easy! Simply send an email to InspirationalBeading@gmail.com with the following information:
First and last name.
Business/website name.
The full URL that your ad should link to.
Hover text - what should visitors see when they mouse-over your ad?
Length of ad - how many weeks/months would you like to purchase?
Attach a 125x125px JPEG image for your ad button.
If your add is approved, you will receive an invoice for the amount of time that you indicate. Once your payment is cleared, your ad will appear on Inspirational Beading!
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mortira at InspirationalBeading@gmail.com
Thank you for sponsoring new inspirations!
Handmade Artisans:
Are you a beader, jewelry designer, or bead artist? I’m looking for fabulous creators to feature here on Inspirational Beading! If you would like to share your thoughts and insights on beads and beading, you are invited to join in one of my interview features.
Interviews on Inspirational Beading are a great way to promote your work. You can show off some of your best creations, and promote your favorite resources as well. Images that are used in these features are tagged with the name of the artist and/or shop, and each interview includes links to the artist’s shop or website.
Inspirational Beading offers several fun interview segments to help promote the work of handmade artists. These features are open to anyone who makes or creates with beads, including lampwork artists and jewelry designers.
Interview segments are presented in the following themes: Favorite Beads and Favorite Techniques. If you would like to get your own feature, contact me with a link to your shop or website.
Commercial Supplies and Books:
I love to share new products and design ideas with my readers and often accept exciting products for review here on Inspirational Beading.
I also enjoy reviewing beading and craft books. Some are provided by the publisher, while others are my own discoveries from the local library.
Please contact me if you would like to have a product reviewed on Inspirational Beading. Every review made for commercial purposes includes an FTC disclaimer.
Craft supplies sellers using venues like ArtFire, Zibbet and Etsy are also welcome to participate in the Bead Shops interview segment for small business suppliers. Featured shops must have a completed FAQ or Policies section. Contact me with a link to your shop!
Artists, designers, and supply companies alike are invited to share a beading or jewelry making tutorial on Inspirational Beading. Tutorials should include at least one photograph of a finished piece, and step by step directions for how to complete a design. Links to your shop, blog, or website will be featured along with your tutorial.
For all inquiries, I can be reached here: inspirationalbeading@gmail.com