I recently participated in a forum discussion about the ethics of beading, and whether or not it’s okay to sell copies of designs made from magazine tutorials, and it really got me thinking. Not about ethics, though. The short answer to that question is no - selling copied designs is inappropriate. I would like to go into more detail on
ethics for beaders here on
Inspirational Beading, but I’ve been inspired. I found myself recalling all of the projects I tried and tested when I was starting out, and how much I’ve gained from the generous designers who share their ideas and methods with us.
So today, I thought it would be fun to look back at my favorite jewelry tutorials from the pages of
Bead & Button. In my mind’s eye, I saw a list of about five or six projects. It wasn’t until I started going through my bookshelf that I realized just how many of these tutorials have helped me to become the beader I am today. The instruction and inspiration is priceless.
It’s interesting to look back at the designs that I learned from, and compare them to what I’m making now. Some of them are so different you’d never know there was any connection.
I’m going to list these projects chronologically, with as many references as I can. If your local library or literacy center carries back issues of
Bead & Button, you might be able to track some of them down in their original form.
Bead & Button, August 2006

Issue #74, page 69
Creative Beading Vol. 2
page 134
Bargello Necklace by Rebecca Peapples
Mimic Fine Needlework with Peyote Stitch
I absolutely loved the look of this necklace with it’s zig zag pattern. I had already gained plenty of practice with peyote stitch, and I thought this would be a fun way to experiment with different approaches to the technique. I created several versions of the necklace, with my own pattern variations and accents, and learned a lot about peyote stitch. I still have most of my creations, and wear them often in the spring and fall.

Issue #74, page 73
Creative Beading Vol. 2, page 165
Fragrant Beaded Beads by Deni Whaley
Add a Hint of Fragrance to Beaded Beads
Like a lot of beaders, beaded beads and sculptural beadwork were high on my learning checklist. This project was exactly what I needed to get started. The rolled felt base is easy and fun to embellish. I skipped the fragrance, and made a few variations to size and pattern. It was one of my first experiments with changing a tutorial to suit my own taste and skill.

Issue #74, page 116
Multistrand Paua Necklace by Julia Gerlach
Shell Donuts Accent a Multistrand Necklace
Bead & Button inspired a lot of my bead and material preferences early on, including a love of donuts. I don’t get to use them often, because I so rarely find them in materials that I’m willing to use. When I first saw this project, I was desperate to try the technique but didn’t have any donuts. So, I used circular peyote to make my own, and stitched a single strand, no clasp version. The idea evolved and grew, and now I’m sharing the technique with my
circle peyote pendant tutorial.
Bead & Button, April 2007

Issue #78, page 72
Creative Beading Vol. 3
page 200
Captured Cuff by Barbara Klann
Capture a Refined Cuff in Pearl or Crystal Netting
Even though I now read beading magazines mostly for inspiration - and blogging ideas - I am still most drawn to very simple beading projects. This cuff bracelet was incredibly alluring to me as a new beader. It’s bold and dramatic, but completely doable. I made two of my own, and learned that it’s okay to use lots and lots of beads for one project. I still have to remind myself once in awhile, though.

Issue #78, page 75
St. Petersburg Lariat and Pendant by Hatsumi Oshitani
Stitch a St. Petersburg Chain to Make a Feathery Lariat or Necklace
It took a long time to work up the courage to try this project, and I’m so glad that I finally did.
St. Petersburg chain is one of my all time favorite techniques, and I use it often. This was also my first ever lariat project, and I’m quite fond of those, too. I think this tutorial has been one of the most valuable and inspiring that I’ve ever attempted and mastered.
Bead & Button, June 2007

Issue #79, page 84
Creative Beading Vol. 3, page 162
Defined Drape by Perie Brown
Drape Defines a Herringbone Scarf
Although I only attempted this project twice, and it helped to cement my fear of bugles, I still love everything about it. It also inspired my first big necklace - a
netted scarf with starfish.
Bead & Button, August 2007

Issue #80, page 46
Meandering River of Beads by
Karla Schafer
Lively Rows of Bubbling Beads
I loved the look of this bracelet, and it really bugged me that I couldn’t make my own, because I didn’t have access to the two-hole spacers used to create the curving shape. So I made my own, and the
wavy wedges bracelet was born.

Issue #80, page 110
Creative Beading Vol. 3, page 104
Stripes Forever by Phyllis Dintenfass
Teardrop-shaped Fringe Beads Accent a Striped Bracelet
When I came across this project, I had only attempted flat
right angle weave once, and I hated it. With careful, tight stitches, it still looked sloppy. Even the swatches in the instructions I used looked sloppy. So I had given up on ever using it. This project changed my mind. And because of the interlocking stitch variation, I was able to master RAW, and eventually incorporate it into my own designs.
Bead & Button, October 2007

Issue #81, page 72
Creative Beading Vol. 4
page 190
Freeform Cuffs by Sue Sloan
Beading Without Boundaries
I never fully attempted this project. Freeform beadwork that isn’t open - like netting - still terrifies me to this day. But the project was so inspiring, and I think it helped to encourage my love of seed bead weaving around other beads, and adding accents whether they’re needed or not.
Bead & Button, April 2008

Issue #84, page 42
Creative Beading Vol. 4, page 112
Flight of Fancy by Pam Nichols
Easy-to-stitch Butterfly Bracelet
I never actually attempted this project. I was dying to, but I didn’t have access to all of the required materials until I had already started making my own designs, and I just never got around to trying it. These stitched butterflies made me ponder for the first time, that question every beader eventually asks. “
When will I be able to come up with my own techniques and stitch combinations?”. The answer is pretty simple - when you no longer need magazines to tell you what to do.
Bead & Button, August 2008

Issue #86, page 34
Creative Beading Vol. 4, page 78
Change of Focus by Julie Riggs
Give a Russian Spiral Center Stage by Stringing it Between Chunky Accent Beads
This is another project that I never fully attempted, mostly because I’ve never had much interest in using beading wire and crimps. I did love the look of the Russian spiral at first sight though, and was happy to learn the technique. It’s so easy to do, and highly adaptable. This project also helped to inspire my secret adoration for Picasso finish seed beads.
Bead & Button, October 2008

Issue #87, page 38
Creative Beading Vol. 5
page 82
Web of Silver by Marla Gulotta
A Bracelet Rich with Detail But Simple to Stitch
This is another project that I at first thought might be over my head. I’m glad I ignored that instinct and tried out the embellished tubular netting technique. It is one of the most beautiful beading stitches I’ve ever used, and helped to inspire my
beaded strawberry pendant.
Bead & Button, February 2009

Issue #89, page 68
Creative Beading Vol. 5, page 162
Byzantine Translation by Sheryl Yanagi
Stitch a Beaded Version of Byzantine Chain Maille
I was so excited to try out this project. I love the look of chainmaille, but I could never try it without using metals. I soon discovered that chainmaille isn’t my thing, especially with seed beads. It’s much too fiddly. When I sit down to bead, I like to work continuously. The fewer times I have to pick up my scissors, the better. I still love the concept, and think every beader should give it a try at least once.

And that’s about where my own inspirations took off. I still pick up issues of Bead & Button at the library. Sometimes I’m even lucky enough to be there right when the previous issue becomes available to borrow. I enjoy seeing what other beaders are doing, and getting a heads up on new materials and books on the market. Believe it or not, the ads are now my favorite part. They are an excellent blogging resource.
Do you have a favorite or most memorable magazine project?
Copyright 2011
Inspirational Beading,
Bead & Button Magazine, and
Kalmbach Publishing
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